ÖAG President Roberta Maierhofer Interviewed about the Election

ÖAG President Roberta Maierhofer Interviewed about the Election

In an interview published in "MeinBezirk", Roberta Maierhofer, Professor of American Studies at the University of Graz and President of the Styrian branch of the Austrian-American Society (ÖAG), explains how U.S. presidential elections impact international affairs, including Austria. “Many here may wonder, ‘What does this have to do with me?’ But political changes in the U.S. inevitably affect global events,” she says. Despite differences in political systems, Maierhofer notes a growing polarization in both the U.S. and Europe.

She highlights common misconceptions Europeans have about the U.S., often based on media portrayals. “We think we know the U.S. well, but its political reality is much more complex and decentralized,” she explains, citing the example of U.S. states’ strong environmental efforts even after Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement.

As the ÖAG Styira, we promote cultural understanding through events like Martin Luther King Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving, as well as discussions on U.S. politics, including a panel before and a brunch after the upcoming U.S. election in Graz to foster further exchange about U.S. politics and its global effects.

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